DIY Collage: "Books" Example, A

Book lovers rejoice! For years, I’ve wanted to gather favorite titles to make an art piece, but alas I’ve yet to spend the needed time to pull those special books. Instead, for purposes of this DIY example, I’m going to a few of my existing shelved books to take photos to start the demonstration process.

STEP ONE: Take close up snapshots of sections of your book shelves. Select a single shelf and a small section of books and try to align and compact the volumes to make them truly vertical or horizontal when you shoot the image. (You will be cutting the photographed titles into strips, hence the need for true parallel conditions.)

STEP TWO: Use your computer/software to crop views to eliminate vestiges of an upper or lower shelf before printing the photos with an ink jet printer. (In other words, crop to a tight detail that reveals one section of end titles, without unnecessary shelving above or below.)

Darlene Marwitz